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About us

Home \ About us

Who we are

Our first successful project was started in Ukraine in 2016. We have 2 main offices with different teams - marketing and IT in Kharkiv and the operation center in Kyiv. After a few years, we expanded at a very fast rate and established our brand worldwide. In 2021 in Shri-Lanka, and recently opened an office in Poland.
We try to make getting a loan easy for everyone while adhering to our main principle - help should come as soon as it is needed. We work honestly and openly. We guarantee the protection of personal data.

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MyCredit’s and ClickCredit’s team. Ukraine




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OnCredit’s team. Sri-Lanka


Company's History


Launch of the company in 6 months under MyCredit brand


A break-even point was achieved in 7 months from the date of launch


For 18 months TOP-3 MFIs of Ukraine


Investments of $ 3 million from the TAS Group at an estimated valuation $ 15 million
Issued loans - 728,548 CAC - $ 3.4
EBITDA 2019 - $ 7.2 million


Launch of long-term lending
Launch of the ClickCredit project
Data Science Lab started its work


Launch of the Asian direction: Sri Lanka
Launch of the product "installment"" for online stores - Kolibri"


Restarted business in Ukraine. Reached the break-even point
Project launch in Europe: Poland


launched new service in Ukraine - Monto

The keys to our success


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We make decisions quickly, change quickly, and achieve the desired results quickly. We are moving at turbo speed in one direction


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Own product development: CRM for customer service, backend and frontend development, mobile development applications


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We provide high-quality service to our customers, both external and internal! Only a happy employee can provide real wow-service!



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We guarantee our customers that their data will always be securely protected. This is our reputation

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Our mission

Our mission is to make money available when people need it most

Our team

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Cofounder of companies, SpaceCrew Finance
The entrepreneur, visionary, investor.

Direct finance team
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Chief Financial Officer, SpaceCrew Finance Company

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Chief Analytics Officer, SpaceCrew Finance Company

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Chief Legal Officer, SpaceCrew Finance Company

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Chief Technology Officer, SpaceCrew Finance Company

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Regional Human Resources Director, SpaceCrew Finance Company

OnCredit Asia Team
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Country Manager, Space Crew Finance Company

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Chief Executive Officer, OnCredit Shri Lanka

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Chief Operations Officer, OnCredit Shri Lanka

MyCredit/ClickCredit/Monto Europe Team
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Chief Executive Officer, MyCredit Ukraine

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Chief Executive Officer, ClickCredit Ukraine

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Chief Operations Officer, Monto Ukraine

Our partners

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Social responsibility

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SpaceCrew Finance Company annually allocates part of its profits to charity, mainly supporting charitable projects in Ukraine, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka.
Over the past few years, SpaceCrew Finance has donated more than $300,000 to charitable programs dedicated to helping children from orphanages, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and humanitarian aid to war victims.

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